ScrumMaster - ThatMatters - Team
The ScrumMasters Job is to develop the Team so they can deliver maximal value. This is coupled to good quality and people oriented leadership. We do not squize out the juice out of one orange, we wanna grow up an orange tree, where we can get much of juice from it and which is sustainable.
To do so, we have to consider a lot of habits and methods. Some of them are described in the following table. If you have any other ideas, please help me to get this more complete.
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As ScrumMaster you live in many different leadership roles (8 Stances of a ScrumMaster ). The most important thing is to claim to help others become better. This can be done as a coach, mentor, teacher, etc. It is important to recognize in which status (ShuHaRi) the team and the individual members are. |
Active and well-managed retrospectives are a very effective means of improving the team (and also the organization). The impediments must be processed consistently by the ScrumMaster. It should be transparent which improvements are being worked on. The ScrumMaster must develop a flair for a good retrospective method and use them purposefully. This can help the book "Agile Retrospectives" by Esther Derby and Diane Larsen, or the Retromat by Susanne Baldauf. | |
As a ScrumMaster you should build a relationship with the team. This way, you get to know people who appreciate their values and attitudes. The ScrumMaster should be aware, however, that he does not belong to the DEV team. As an example, one can imagine a coach of a football or in the scrum environment of a rugby team. Relationships should not weaken the objectivity and neutrality. The ScrumMaster is often perceived as a very strong role in a team, and he already has some sort of leadership role, for the simple reason that he leads the process and has the job of making the team better. | |
Listening to understand, not to answer. As a ScrumMaster I find it very important that you can listen active. This means listening while listening to the meta-level and listening between the lines. Frequently, the real problems are not what is said but what is not said. | |
Only when you no longer need it in the team, your job is done. Strive to make yourself redundant to the team. Do not worry, you will not run out of work. Finally, you can dedicate yourself to yourself, the organization or the community. And rarely do teams stay stable for years. Every change in the team requires the ScrumMaster again increased attention and teamwork, because all have to find new. It falls then again into the Forming / Storming phase (phase model after Tuckman). | |
With agile or empirical development methods we pursue the goal of constantly asking ourselves whether what we do also benefits us. You should ask yourself and the team this question again and again. For example with the question: If this was my company, would I do that? Would I pay for this sprint? What is the output of the team worth? It is the responsibility of the team not only to work on the "how", but also to take care of the "what". | |
Reflecting the team is an important part of the daily work in the team. Because we are not going to lead the teams and lead them on their own, it's important to be able to show the team what's going on and alert them to their behavior instead. It reflects his perception as neutral as possible, so that the team has the chance to change something. It is important to me that the team can decide and ultimately have to live with this decision, for example. how they want to proceed exactly when processing the Sprintbacklogs. | |
In order to be able to process the resulting backlog uncompromisingly according to ranking, it helps if the team can support each other. Ideally, one has T-shaped individuals with broad general knowledge and deep expert knowledge in a specialty. A branch of the T represents business, the other technical know how. Business know-how is important, in the sense of "know your customer". | |
Give the team purpose and meaning. It helps them to get excited and motivated for their work. It is one of the intrinsic motivational factors behind Dan Pink. | |
ShuHaRi is a wording from combat sport. Shu - Follow the rule Ha - Break the rule Ri - Be the rule It means that your development as Team goes thru this states. For example follow the rule of Scrum precise to understand what is behind, if you are expert in that, go and change something and inspect if it fits to your team. If you are in Ri state your have defined your own agile framework. | |
Help your team to help themselves. Deliberately give them tasks they want to deport to ScrumMaster. Be it reviews of bugs, presentations at the review, opening the dailies or even ScrumEvents. Example: Stay aware once the Daily begins. Observe and mirror the team what you saw. Explain the purpose of the Dailys. |
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