ScrumMaster, role between self organizing teams and line management

Since the agile movement, the role of ScrumMaster has changed in my opinion. At the beginning there where more or less single teams who practice with scrum. The ScrumMaster had to care to the process and protect the team from outside interuption. More and more organizations practices Scrum with multiple teams. In a scaled Scrum environment the role of a ScrumMaster has expanded to organization transformation. He has to optimize the environment for the teams to perform. To reach this, ScrumMaster have to deal with management. In my experience there are many ScrumMaster they do not want to deal with management and hold hard on team focus. The effect is a very local optimization, which can end up in different culture, different implementation of Scrum or even back to ordinary team constallation. To prevent this, the ScrumMaster of an organization have to be learned, teached, coached to deal with here role for external focus. Often they are not aware of this, that they have this re...