
Es werden Posts vom September, 2017 angezeigt.

Restaurant Retrospective

Hi ScrumMaster Looking for a Retrospective who can held outside the office? Do you enjoy eating together in team? Then probably I have something for you here. The Restaurant Retrospective Introduction Speeddating let the team members sitting in front of each other 90 sec talking about a any topic (you can easly make it 2min) after time is up, let them rotate rotate as long as you feel energy or your timebox is up Improvement Retro This technique is near the creative technique 6-5-3, this you can find here . For this method I created a simple paper with three columns (You, Team, Outside Team), as you can see in the picture. Create your own paper to make it more yours. First round, every Teammember writes an improvement or an idea in each of the column. Give them around 5min to come up with truly improvements. Afterwards pass the paper every 2-5min in the direction of your choice. Ajust the time to your needs or maybe depend on your team size. Let the Teammembers writ...

Estimation with Mountain Points

Hi Scrumers How do you estimate in your team? Could your team make the step to relative Estimation? If not, maybe this post can help you establish relative Estimation in your team. As ScrumMaster you know all the Theory of relative Estimation from your ScrumMaster Course or Certification. If not, I recommend the following book for you. Or following Links: Agile Estimation, Mike Cohn Effective Estimation, Robert C. Martin, Uncle Bob There are much more blogs about it. For relative Estimation where recommend StoryPoints as an abstract size of a Story. I find this very useful and it helped me to find the way out of time based estimations. But for a lot of people it is hard to make this switch. Mike Cohns recommondation is here to use DogPoints. You take the different dog races from its size. I do not know anything about Dogs and so I had to find something else as further abstractation. I live and work in Switzerland and here we are surounded with mountains and hills. So I find it...