
Es werden Posts vom August, 2017 angezeigt.

ScrumMaster Interview

Hallo zusammen Ich hatte das Vergnügen für die CSS Versicherung ein Jobvideo für die Plattform whatchado über den ScrumMaster zu drehen. Es war sehr anspruchsvoll die Fragen zu beantworten ohne Fachbegriffe zu verwenden, die im Kontext von Scrum halt sehr verbreitet sind. Überzeugt euch selbst ob es passt. Leider nur in Dialekt verfügbar.

Technical Dept in real life

Real happend story.... I like to share with you a real life situation about....see yourself. In the early morning I went to a bakery to buy some sweet stuff for my team. For my surprise the showcases were nearly empty. No problem I thought, I will going later to buy it. An hour later I face the same situation. It was nearly eight thirty and the stuff should be in office on coffee time, so I asked at the desk were all the nice peaces were. They answer me, that the whole crew in this store did not have time to take out the sweets from the stack of crates and fill up the showcase. Instead every saleswoman had to lift off each crate to looking for the customers needs. The whole team optimzed here in my opinion to the false target. They had only focus on the customer they come in the store to service their needs, not realizing the time they lost to find the sweets in the crates. Each customer had to wait much more time than usualy, and so the line becomes longer and longer. I don't kn...