My way to Certified Scrum Professional

In the next lines I am going to show you my way to Certified Scrum Professional (CSP). A year ago, I was at a point where I really wanted to go deeper into the agile mindset. I had a good running team with respectful pace and mindset, but I had the claim to help my organisation to go further in the agile way. In my mind I had a naiv picture of a workplace where all employees are happy stressfree and care about each others in very professional attitude and high quality work. Sounds good, doesn't it? I believe very strong, that the agile movement could make the world a better workplace. If you have satisfied and intrinsic motivated employees you will receive a high quality work in the manner of craftsmanship. So I where looking for an further education in agility. In the "normal" education institutes like universities there where no possibilitiy to strenghten your maturity in agile. So I found the further education offer of TheScrumTeam . Modules for Prozess, Product,...